Our Services

Tax-Consulting & Tax Compliance

We represent you in all tax matters in dealings with the tax authorities and provide you with helpful advice to optimize your tax burden.

Of course, we ensure that all necessary tax returns for the year are submitted on time and in the correct manner.

Our comprehensive consulting services are based on a holistic view of all economic and tax aspects.

Financial accounting & annual financial statements

Financial accounting is not limited to the fulfillment of legal accounting obligations, it is also an essential element of operational corporate management. We therefore not only take over your financial accounting, but also support you with our expertise both in the complete recording of all business transactions and the development of evaluations.

Based on the financial accounting we will then create your Financial statements at year end. 

Steuerberatung, Steuerberater, Steuern, Tax, Jahresabschluss, Gründer, Start Up, Beratung, Online Steuerklärung, Accounting

Start-up consulting

We help businesses with their first steps in the german market. This can be understood as a full-service offer. 

That means first of all we support you in deciding which legal form your company should have. After that we will take care of the tax registration of your company and handle all the other obligations that have to be taken care of for a newly founded company in Germany. We are also happy to take care of the application for your VAT ID.

When all this is done, we transfer the mandate into the daily business. The bookkeeping can then be done either by you or by us.